February already! How did that happen?
As we settle into Term 1 of the new School year, we are thrilled to welcome Ilminster Intermediate, Gisborne Central School & Cobham School to the Manaiakalani Program Outreach here in Tairāwhiti.
At a glance, here are just a few of the milestones achieved between 2018 - 2020:
- 14 member schools
- More than 2,500 students have learned to be Cybersmart
- 155 teachers received in-class support (one hour per week for a school year in their own class)
- More than 25,000 blog posts written by learners in Tairāwhiti
- 45 teachers and education leaders attended Digital Fluency Program (DFI)
- Three full-time facilitators (Cheryl, Herman & Amie) are now employed locally
As ever, it is always the people who can realize the potential of an initiative like this. We have so much gratitude to the many supporters of this ambitious program. Our sincere thanks to the HB Williams Family Trusts whose vision this was and without whose funding this would still be a dream. We have also received funding also from the Eastern & Central Community Trust, for which we are truly appreciative. Thank you to Work & Income, Manāki Tairāwhiti, Rongowhakāta Iwi Trust, Ngai Tamanuhiri, Te Aitanga a Māhaki, Te Runanganui o Ngāti Porou whose financial contribution to the creation of an Angel Fund to support more equitable access to Chromebooks for every learner.
And a huge thanks of course to the dedicated team at Manaiakalani Education Trust - what a journey. Together so much has been achieved! Thank you for your expertise, passion, professionalism, and for the many collegial relationships which have been formed over the last three years. To the trustees of Connext Trust, the local school principals, and our local Convenor Helen 'Perky' McGuigan, Kahui Ako Lead Principals, David our roving Ambassador, senior leaders, teachers, students and whanau - THANK YOU!